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Lavington School

EQUA Trust


Subject Leader : Mr Matt Edmunds - m.edmunds@lavington.wilts.sch.uk

GCSE Business Curriculum Map

Years 10 and 11

In GCSE Business the students will apply their knowledge and understanding to business decision making.  We look at the interdependent nature of business activity, influences on business, business operations,  finance, marketing and human resources, and develop our understanding about how these interdependencies underpin business decision making.   In addition, we also investigate how different business contexts affect business decisions and how to use quantitative and qualitative data in making business decisions.

The key skills we expect the  students to develop by the end of the 2 year course are :_

  • Use business terminology to identify and explain business activity
  • Apply business concepts to familiar and unfamiliar contexts
  • Develop problem solving and decision making skills relevant to business
  • Investigate, analyse and evaluate business opportunities and issues
  • Make justified decisions using both qualitative and quantitative data including its selection, interpretation, analysis and evaluation, and that application of appropriate quantitative skills.

The course covers 6 major areas:

Business in the real world:  Which focuses on the journey of businesses from their inception, through different ownership models to becoming global players in industry.  We look at the attributes of successful business people and their key traits.

Influences on business:   This topic focuses on all of the external factors that influence business direction and performance.   For example, we look at legislation, taxation and advances in technology to understand how businesses can use these factors to their advantage or are impacted negatively by them.

Business operations:  This unit looks at how business manufacture goods for the consumer.  In particular, we look at the productivity concepts demonstrated in current manufacturing departments across the world. 

Human Resources:  The students will investigate how this business function works to ensure that the right candidates are hired, what training they are provided and how they are motivated to work as productively as possible.

Marketing:  We look at the way business research and target the market and how businesses ensure that they deliver the right product, at the right price, in the right place with suitable promotional activities.

Finance: The final unit looks at how business use key financial documents to make decisions and to gain further investment.  The students also learn how to calculate some of the key performance indicators so that they can analyse the strength or weakness of a business.

How are we assessed?

The course is assessed with two exams at the end of Year 11.  The students will complete end of unit tests and will also complete several mock exams to enable them to hone their exam skills.

How are we grouped?

There are no specific groupings in this course.

What home learning are we expected to do?

Students will be set regular homework to aid their retention of key terminology and also to provide them with skills to analyse business scenarios.

What can parents do to help?

Please could parents support the student by:-

Explaining real life business decisions/situations that they face in their own work.

Watching business focused news reports and discussing their implications.

Discussing how products are made.