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Lavington School

EQUA Trust


Subject Leader: Mr Oliver Quantrill - o.quantrill@lavington.wilts.sch.uk 

  KS3 Curriculum Map

  KS4 Curriculum Map

  KS3 Information on levels

Year 7

What are we studying?

The Year 7 scheme of work is based upon the “Mymaths” textbooks, which link to the www.mymaths.co.uk website. The topics covered, depending upon ability group, include Working with Decimals and Negative Numbers; Area, Perimeter and Volume; Basic Algebra; Fractions and Decimals; Use of Angles; Presentation of Data (Charts and Graphs); Percentages; Factors and Multiples; Averages; Sequences; Understanding BODMAS and how best to use our calculators; Probability; Shape and Constructions; Ratio and Proportion; Transformations; Co-ordinates and Graphs.

How are we assessed?

Each topic lasts for approximately 2 – 3 weeks. At the end of the topic the students will be provided with a revision task and then they complete an assessment in class under test conditions. For each assessment students will be given a level and this will be compared to their target level to measure progress and performance.

In addition in the Summer term students sit an end-of-year examination which includes all the topics covered during the year.

How are we grouped?

At the beginning of the year students are placed into sets (1 to 6) using their National Curriculum Levels at KS2 as a rough guideline. Early in the year students are assessed by the Cognitive Ability Tests (CATs). At the October half term the sets are reviewed using both of these assessments and their performance on the first couple of topics. Sets are continually reviewed throughout the year, taking into account performance in class work, homework and topic assessments. Students are moved accordingly

What homework are we expected to do?

Students will be set homework each week; this will be shown on Show My Homework. Each student is issued with a homework book, from which most of the homework is set. Other homework could be revision, research or use of the mymaths website.

What can parents do to help?

Please ensure that students have all the correct mathematical equipment, including a scientific calculator (this is available for purchase in school at a subsidy); help with the homework and do so in the student’s book so that we can see; encourage them to use notes in their exercise books from the previous lessons and to show all their working out clearly; encourage them to use www.mymaths.co.uk as a support tool or as additional practice of a topic that they are finding difficult; ensure that they revise fully the night before a topic test.

Year 8

What are we studying?

The Year 8 scheme of work is based upon the “New Maths Frameworking” textbooks. The topics covered, depending upon ability group, include Calculating with Negative Numbers, Powers and Sequences; Calculating Angles; Probability; Fractions, Decimals and Percentages; Simplifying Algebra; Circles and Prisms; Functions and Graphs; Powers and Standard Form; Calculating with  Decimals & Estimation; Transformations; Solving Equations; Interpreting Data (Charts and Graphs), Fractions, Decimals & BODMAS

How are we assessed?

Each topic lasts for approximately 2 – 3 weeks. At the end of the topic the students will be provided with a revision task and then they complete an assessment in class under test conditions. For each assessment students will be given a level and this will be compared to their target level to measure progress and performance.

In addition, in the Summer term students sit an end-of-year examination which includes all the topics covered during the year.

How are we grouped?

Students continue to be in sets (1 to 6), regularly reviewed throughout the year, taking into account performance and attitude in class work, homework, topic assessments and end-of-year exams. Students are moved accordingly.

What homework are we expected to do?

Students will be set homework each week; this will be shown on Show My Homework. Each student is issued with a homework book, from which most of the homework is set. Other homework could be revision, research or use of the mymaths website.

What can parents do to help?

Please ensure that students have all the correct mathematical equipment, including a scientific calculator (this is available for purchase in school at a subsidy); help with the homework and do so in the student’s book so that we can see; encourage them to use notes in their exercise books from the previous lessons and to show all their working out clearly; encourage them to use www.mymaths.co.uk as a support tool or as additional practice of a topic that they are finding difficult; ensure that they revise fully the night before a topic test.

Year 9

What are we studying?

The Year 9 scheme of work is based upon the “New Maths Frameworking” textbooks. The topics covered, depending upon ability group, include Sequences and Graphs; Fractions and Percentages; Ratio and Proportion; Equations, Formulae and Identities; Pythagoras, Loci and Circle Theorems; Scatter Graphs and Cumulative Frequency; Circles; Powers and Rounding; Algebra & Graphs; Probability; Transformations;

How are we assessed?

Each topic lasts for approximately 2 – 3 weeks. At the end of the topic the students will be provided with a revision task and then they complete an assessment in class under test conditions. For each assessment students will be given a level and this will be compared to their target level to measure progress and performance.

In addition in the Summer term students sit an end-of-year examination which includes all the topics covered during KS3.

How are we grouped?

Students continue to be in sets (1 to 6), regularly reviewed throughout the year, taking into account performance and attitude in class work, homework, topic assessments and end-of-year exams. Students are moved accordingly

What homework are we expected to do?

Students will be set homework each week; this will be shown on Show My Homework. Each student is issued with a homework book, from which most of the homework is set. Other homework could be revision, research or use of the mymaths website.

What can parents do to help?

Please ensure that students have all the correct mathematical equipment, including a scientific calculator (this is available for purchase in school at a subsidy); help with the homework and do so in the student’s book so that we can see; encourage them to use notes in their exercise books from the previous lessons and to show all their working out clearly; encourage them to use www.mymaths.co.uk as a support tool or as additional practice of a topic that they are finding difficult; ensure that they revise fully the night before a topic test.

Years 10 and 11

What are we studying?

Students will complete the AQA Linear GCSE course. Entry-level Mathematics is offered to students for whom GCSE is not appropriate.

A variety of additional qualifications are offered in Mathematics:

Set 1 have the opportunity to study the Further Mathematics GCSE, running alongside the Mathematics GCSE; this gives the students the chance to extend their mathematics skills. In addition to being a highly regarded qualification in its own right, previous students have found it to be very beneficial when beginning A level Mathematics courses.

We also offer set 5 and 6 students the opportunity to gain a Level 1 qualification in Functional Mathematics (recognised and valued by Colleges). This is usually taken in November of Year 11. Some students will also be able to take the Level 2 qualification.

GCSE Statistics is studied by most students.

How are we assessed?

Each topic lasts for approximately 4 - 6 weeks. At the end of the topic the students will be provided with a revision task and then they complete an assessment in class under test conditions. For each assessment students will be given a grade and this will be compared to their target grade to measure progress and performance.

In addition, in the summer term of Year 10, students sit an end-of-year examination which includes all the topics covered during the year. Students also sit a mock paper in January of Year 11.

The exam board’s assessment is by three exam papers (two calculator and one non-calculator) at the end of Year 11. There is neither coursework nor controlled assessment in Mathematics. There are two tiers of entry: Foundation covering grades 5 to 1 and Higher covering 9 to 4.

How are we grouped?

Students continue to be in sets (1 to 6), regularly reviewed throughout the year, taking into account performance in classwork, home learning, topic assessments and end-of-year exams. Students are moved accordingly.

What home learning are we expected to do?

Each week students will usually receive a piece of home learning. This is typically designed to consolidate the learning. Students are expected to conscientiously complete home learning tasks, looking up or doing their best to address any areas of uncertainty. Each student is issued with a home learning book; most of the home learning set will be from this book. Other home learning could be revision, research or use of the mymaths website. Towards the end of Year 11, the focus is heavily on past papers; we expect students to thoroughly complete papers for home learning each week, and to focus their revision upon gaps or errors identified from marked papers.

What can parents do to help?

Please ensure that students have all the correct mathematical equipment, including a scientific calculator (we recommend the Casio FX83GT+, which is available for purchase in school at a subsidy); help with the home learning where necessary and do so in the student’s book so that we can see; encourage them to use notes in their exercise books from the previous lessons and to use www.mymaths.co.uk as a support tool or as additional practice of a topic that they are finding difficult; ensure that they revise fully the night before a topic test. Many students find Revision Guides useful throughout Key Stage 4 (these are usually available to buy in school at a reduced price.)