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Lavington School

EQUA Trust


At Lavington School we believe that all students should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.

The aim of the Learning Support Department is to create an atmosphere in which student's individual needs and differences are recognised and valued. Students perceived to have a special educational need will have full access to the National Curriculum, modified to best serve their individual requirements.

At Lavington School we feel that most types of special educational need can be catered for in our small caring community. All staff within the Learning Support Department are experienced in working with students with various needs and requirements.

If your child is already on a stage within the Code of Practice, our Learning Support Leader, will have been notified by the primary school and all the necessary information will have been transferred. In the majority of cases she will have made a visit to the school concerned. Parents are also warmly encouraged to make appointments to meet with the SENCO prior to transition.

When a student at the school is felt to be a cause for concern, whether it is for literacy, numeracy, behavioural or emotional reasons, their name is raised with the Learning Support Leader.They then begin an assessment system based on a cycle of information gathering, action planning and reviewing. All necessary information is shared with teaching and support staff. The SENCO will contact parents to discuss any specialist provision.

In all our work it is the close relationship between parents and school that helps resolve difficulties and helps students to fulfil their potential.

A booklet is available explaining in more detail the provision at Lavington School for students who require support with their learning. If you have any questions concerning special educational needs, please feel free to contact our Learning Support department.

  SEND Policy

SEN Information Report