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Lavington School

EQUA Trust


What are the timings of the school day?

School starts at 08:35 with registration and the last lesson finishes at 15:15

How do I report my child absent?

Please download our school app by searching Greenhouse Schools on the App store (Apple) or Play Store (Android). There is a one time only requirement to enter a code to link you to Lavington School. This code has been sent to all parents and carers and can be obtained by calling the school if needed. Once linked you can quickly and easily navigate to the "Report an Absence" tab on the menu. If you are unable to use the app please call the school to report your child absent.

What if my child is late to school?

Pupils arriving late must come to reception to sign in.

How can I communicate with my child's teacher?

 If you would like to contact a member of staff, then the most effective way is by email.  If you know the staff name then you can create the email by taking the first letter of the first name followed by a full stop and the surname.  For example: Mr T Jones would be t.jones@lavington.wilts.sch.uk

How will the school communicate with me?

We are keen to keep in touch with you! Letters are sent home via email using an automated system called Parent Portal, and we can also contact you easily by telephone. We also strongly suggest you download our school app where you can receive urgent text notifications, and also view letters home, newsletters, school calendar and term dates and report your child absent.

It is absolutely vital that we have your up-to-date contact details, don’t forget to let us know straight away if you change any of your details for any reason, perhaps because of a house move, a job change, a new phone contract, a change of email service provider, etc.

 How do I download the school app?

 Please download our school app by searching Greenhouse Schools on the App store (Apple) or Play Store (Android). There is a one time only requirement to enter a code to link you to Lavington School. This code has been sent to all parents and carers and can be obtained by calling the school if needed. Our app is a great source of information and links you simply and conveniently with the school.

Does my child need to bring money in to school?

We are a cashless school and all financial transactions are carried out via Parent Pay. This includes paying for food and drinks in the canteen , trips, revision guides, and any other items that may be required at school.

How does the cashless catering system work?

Lavington School operates a cashless catering system. Each child has an account that can be topped up online or via a machine in school and can pay for items in the Dining Hall and the Kiosks without cash. This means shorter queues and quicker service, as well as giving parents/carers the facility to check their child’s account and track their purchases of food.

This system uses biometrics and a ‘digital fingerprint signature’. This is not the same as a visual image of a fingerprint – while pupils’ fingerprints are scanned, they are then converted into a mathematical algorithm and the image of the fingerprint is deleted. This means that the scanner at the till points can recognise your child’s fingerprint but that there is no way this information can be used for any other type of identification purposes. The information that is stored by the system is only in the form of numbers and it cannot be converted back into an image of a fingerprint. In this way, your child’s fingerprint is kept totally secure and cannot be used by other agencies. 

Where can I find the school lunch menus?

Our kitchens, run by our Catering Manager, and a dedicated team, produce a range of delicious food daily; all of our food is freshly prepared on site. Hot dinners and ‘Meal Deals’, including vegetarian options, can be purchased from the Dining Hall, where pupils can also buy a range of snacks such as pizza, sandwiches, cake and biscuits, or select from the salad bar. Our menus run on a three week rolling basis and are displayed outside the dining hall and can also be found on our website.

What time are the lunchbreaks?

We operate a split lunch break with Years 7, 8 & 9 between 12.05-12.35 and all other years between 12.35-13.05.

Where do I purchase School Uniform from?

Our uniform policy can be found on our website here and can be purchased from Scholars in Devizes. We also have an online second hand uniform shop which can be found here, where items can be ordered and then collected from school.

What happens with lost property?

Personal property is the responsibility of the individual.

All property (including bicycles, cars, etc) is brought onto the site at the owner’s own risk. The school can not compensate for loss of property or damage to property.

Students are welcome and encouraged to check the lost property room for any items they have misplaced.