Our Safeguarding Team:
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is:
Mr Simon Down -
The Deputy Designated Lead (DDSL) is:
Mrs Vicky Lanegan -
All staff at Lavington School have a statutory responsibility to report any disclosures or concerns where a child may be subject to, or at risk of, significant harm. Wiltshire Council’s leaflet 'Child Protection and Your School' is also available in the section and the Trust's Safeguarding Policy is available on the school website under Policies.
The school will always contact Children’s Social Care or the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team for advice if there are any safeguarding concerns.
If a child becomes a Child in Need or is placed on the Child Protection register, then the Designated Lead or Deputy will attend meetings to support the student and represent the school.
EQUA Mead Safeguarding and CP policy
EQUA Mead Staff Behaviour policy
The following websites may also be of interest:
Thinkuknow - for Parents and Carers